ITS & MaaS References

Development Ministry. Public Transport Committee. Follow Up Meeting on Open Projects and Tecnology standardisationnormalisation for Near Field Communication (NFC), Universal Contactless Card (TESC) and Automatic Vehicle Management Sistems, (SAE / AVMS) – Madrid 21/02/2018
Presentation of TESC Project and final data and technical model. – Published: – Ministry of Development. Madrid 26/10/2017
After more than two years of design, development and testing, the TESC “Universal” transport Card was presented as a tool to implement MaaS services, by enabling any transport card technology as Mifare, Desfire or Javacard, as well as any NFC device or phone to be user on any “TESC” enabled transport mode.
Performed test open new ways to real pilot as well as commercial services.
After this, any company can further develop commercial services offering new transpor use modes more attractive and convenient fo the user.
Presentation of spanish “TESC” contactless card as a tool for the development of Mobility as a Service (MaaS) projects. Ministerio Fomento Madrid 04/10/2017
With Professor Mr. Jaume Barcelo, talk on “How a disaggregate MaaS ecosystem can bring positive effects on policy and economy”. XVII Intelligent Transport Systems Congress, Madrid 25-27/04/2017
Presentation: white book for cash payment reduction in Public Transport. Barcelona 01/12/2016
Spanish NFC model in Public Transport. Barcelona 01/12/2016


TESC Team, III Urban Mobility Meeting. Valencia 17/11/2016. Busmatick, Almex, Pay-in, GVA
Equipo TESC, presentacion III Jornadas Movilidad Urbana. Valencia 17/11/2016. Busmatick, Almex, Pay-in.
TESC Team, III Urban Mobility Meeting. Valencia 17/11/2016. Busmatick, Almex, Pay-in, GVA

TESC, embedded into any Contacless card, allow Public Tranport
Intermodal use across any other city with minimal, non intrusive,
and secure software added to standard equipment.
III Urban Mobility Meeting. Valencia 17/11/2016

The “old” development days…
After several months development, first real tests with different cities
transport cards, enabled to work as “Universal” contactless card (TESC),
by means of embebed TESC data and access model. Madrid 05/02/2016

Madrid’ Integrated Transport Control Center (CITRAM) Transport Chilean delegation, November 2016
Awards to outstanding women in traffic management, Pons Foundation, Mobility and traffic engineers association. November 2016.
Special ITS Award to Orange phone company. October 2016
ITS Systems normalization day, Ministry of Development. September 2016
ITS Systems normalization day, Automatic Vehicle Management Systems (AVMS/SAE) Ministry of Development. September 2016
First Mobility as a Service Day, Civil Engineers College, September 2016
Foundation act, Mobility as a Service Association (MaaS Spain), DGT. June 2016
Foundation act, Mobility as a Service Association (MaaS Spain), DGT. June 2016
Presentación Tarjeta Española Sin Contacto, CICCP Mayo 2016.
Presentation Day, Intermodal Contactless Transport Card (TESC/TISC), Civil Engineers College. May 2016.
First Presentation of TESC Universal/intermodal contactless card Development Ministry, November 2015.
First Presentation of TESC Universal/intermodal contactless card Development Ministry, November 2015.

And every congress brochure, although only in Spanish

20160304-v-jornadas-its-comunitat-valenciana  20160315-curso-gesti%c2%a6n-de-flotas_v5  20160517-xvi-congreso-esp-its  20160517-maas-experience-congreso-its-1  20160908-jornada-planificadores-de-viaje-multimodal-1  20160920-jornada-sobre-normalizacion  20160928-jornada-maas  20161111-premios-mujer-y-gestion-trafico-1  20161117-iii-jornada-movilidad-urb-seg-vial-01  20161201-jornada-ITS MaaS - BCN  reduccion-efectivo-portada 


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